Silver Linings 2020
Looking for the positive side of things is so important, perhaps never more so than this year.
Looking for the positive side of things is so important, perhaps never more so than this year.
The global move to a remote mode of working is nothing short of a sea change. It probably accelerated the shift to a more decentralized office model by three or more years. And yet, in Phinney Bischoff’s case, we found the transition to be a seamless and overwhelmingly positive one.
First jobs are rarely glamorous, but mine was shelving books in the sub-basement of the University of Georgia’s Map and Government Information Library. Not the basement mind you, but the sub-basement. This gig, dull as it often was, exposed me to a vast range of printed material while earning my design degree.
I’ve struggled to put in words all the things I’m thinking and feeling at this challenging, deeply troubling, and extraordinary time we are in. Quite the understatement. A worldwide pandemic, a recession, government failures, centuries of systemic racism exposed in the ugliest way possible, police brutality, and civil protest. Still with all that going on… I am hopeful. Why?
We created a series of phone wallpapers for download that feature uplifting graphic treatments and inspirational messages. Each reminds us of the importance of community and how much better we are when we all work together.
During these challenging days, sometimes the only way through is together. Now, more than ever, is a time to support our community and each other.
This year’s Seattle Interactive Conference was on fire, with one amazing speaker after another sharing their thoughts on all things related to the creative industry: content strategy, UX, design, brand, DEI, AI—you name it. Here are some top-level takeaways that have inspired lots of good conversation for the Phinney Bischoff team.
What’s the best way for in-house creative teams and agencies to collaborate?
Logo. Such a simple word. We all know what it means, right? Or do we? We took some time to break down the some of the basic definitions of what a “logo” may actually entail.
Every rebrand has it challenges. Yet the biggest factor for success is often the most overlooked. This article shares the 3 essential questions every organization should be asking before going live with its new brand.
April is derived from the Latin verb aperire—which means to open or uncover. So as we head into this brand new month, I’ve been thinking a lot about how much uncovering we do in our line of work.
With an impressive retention rate, well-regarded safety programs, and a guiding philosophy that seeks to ensure open competition, ABCWW has much to offer. But the organization was having trouble telling its story to prospective members.